According to a law ministry announcement from Wednesday, Justice Uday Umesh Lalit has been named the 49th Chief Justice of India (CJI). After current leader NV Ramana leaves office on August 26, he will take over on August 27.
According to the notification, “Shri Justice Uday Umesh Lalit, judge of the Supreme Court, is happy to be appointed to be the Chief Justice of India with effect from 27 August 2022,” in accordance with the authority granted by clause (2) of Article 124 of the Indian Constitution.
Justice Lalit will hold office for only a few weeks or fewer. On November 8, when he leaves office, he will be 65 years old.
By suggesting Justice Lalit, the most senior judge, to the Centre on August 4, Justice Ramana started the process of appointing his replacement. The Chief Justice of India personally gave Justice Lalit a copy of his letter of recommendation.
On April 24, 2021, Judge Ramana succeeded S. A. Bobde as chief justice of India. He will leave office on August 26 after serving as chief justice for more than 16 months.
Ramana sent Justice Lalit his best wishes in a statement.
The statement said, “Shri Justice Ramana expressed confidence that Shri Justice Lalit will take the institution of the judiciary to greater heights through his effective leadership. Shri Justice Lalit has lengthy and rich experience in the Bar as well as on the Bench.