Akshay Kumar’s Instagram image serves as evidence that he had a great time yesterday at an amusement park with his daughter Nitara. He posted a picture and a video of them strolling while carrying two enormous plush animals on Wednesday. In the video, Akshay Kumar is seen holding his daughter’s soft toy in her hand while also wearing it on his head. He described it as the “greatest day ever” and wrote in the caption that he felt like a “hero” when he saw his daughter’s face light up after receiving not one, but two stuffed animals. I took my daughter to an amusement park yesterday, the author stated. Without a doubt, the closest I’ve ever been to feeling like a hero was when I saw her joyful smile after winning not one, but two stuffed animals for her. The #BestDayEver was used by him.
His followers immediately swarmed the comment section after he posted the video. Another added, “Wow so amazing,” while another wrote, “Awww that’s so nice,” all of which were followed with heart-eyed emoticons.
The youngest kid of Twinkle Khanna and Akshay Kumar is named Nitara. The couple also has a son named Aarav. Aarav turned 20 on September 15, and Twinkle tweeted a sweet photo of him surrounded by balloons along with a lengthy statement in honour of the occasion. Quotes from the note stated, “He also turns 20. Far while raising kids is difficult, letting go is even more difficult. I am so proud of the structures this amazing youngster is creating out of blocks.”
Coming back to Akshay Kumar, last he was seen in Cuttputlli. Next, he will be seen in Ram Setu and Selfiee.