CBSE Board Exams 2023 On March 10, 2023, private candidates can start taking practical tests. The guidelines are below for candidates to review.
Guidelines for the Class 12 practical tests that will be held for the CBSE Board Exams 2023 have been announced by the Central Board of Secondary Education. The instructions have been made available for private candidates on the CBSE website, cbse.gov.in.
The private candidates’ practical exams will take place in the same testing locations used for the theory exams starting on March 10 and running through March 29, 2023.
Applicants from 2022 and 2021 who have repeated a practical subject, repeated both a theory and a practical topic, or are absent will nevertheless show up for the exam. Students who applied in full courses in the private category for their respective practical subjects and are class of 2020 or earlier are also eligible to participate.
CBSE Board Exams 2023: The following rules
Candidates can check the guidelines given below.
- The practical answer books supplied by the regional offices are to be used for the conduct of the practical examination.
- The centre will upload the marks in respect of private students whose practicals have been conducted at the centre. The list of private students allotted at the centre will be visible in the centre/ school log-in account.
- The students will have to contact their examination centres without fail with a copy of their previous result/ marksheet and admit card of the current examination i.e., 2023.
- Centre superintendent of the examination centre shall prepare a list of all students whose practical examinations are to be conducted, class wise and subject wise.