The JEE Main 2023 Exam will start in the month of and last till 2023. Candidates can view the notification by visiting the website. The exam city slip and admit card will be made available as the exam is close. Candidates must frequently visit the official websites as the NTA will announce the release dates for the city slip and admit card there.
As per the website, “ JEE (Main) – 2023 Session 1 for Paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech.) will be held on 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 January 2023 followed by Session 2 on 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 and 12 April 2023. This is being done to ensure that the JEE (Main) – 2023 does not interfere with the Board examinations, which may be held at different times across the States/UTs. Paper 2A and Paper 2B (B. Arch and B. Planning) will also be held twice a year (Janua’y and April 2023).
It has been decided to provide choices in one section of each subject of Paper 1 and Part-I of Paper 2A and 2B to cater to the decision of different Boards across the country regarding the reduction of the syllabus. However, the total number of questions to be attempted will remain the same (Physics – 25, Chemistry – 25, and Mathematics – 25), wherever applicable.”
JEE Main 2023 Exam Dates: How to check?
Visit the website – jeemain.nta.nic.in
Then select the About Us page and click JEE Main 2023
The dates and instruction will be on the page
Candidates can note it down
For any latest updates, either check the NTA website of JEE Main website. Candidates who have appeared for board exams in 2020, 2021 and 2022 can apply and even those appearing in the upcoming year can register.