In the first session of the JEE Main 2023 exam, twin brothers Nipun and Nikunj Goel from Hapur, Uttar Pradesh, achieved percentile scores of 100 and 99.99, respectively.
The JEE Main results were made public by the National Testing Agency on Tuesday morning. As brothers, they support one another in getting high marks while also maintaining healthy competitiveness.
Since we have been preparing over the previous two years, we have made sure to encourage one another academically.
Our plans and methods for preparation were coordinated. Every time one of us had a problem, we made sure to assist the other. However, we also engaged in some friendly competition among ourselves, as Nipun Goel said.
The dream is to code.
The Goel brothers are currently vying for a position in the Computer Science Engineering (CSE) department at IIT Delhi or IIT Bombay.
Nipun responded, “We are aware of what Ramgopal Rao has counselled students about exploring beyond CSE,” when asked why they chose a well-known course over other engineering programmes.
Though we had to put off our interest in coding until we were in class 10 because of our JEE preparation. In order to improve our coding abilities, we now wish to pursue a CSE degree.
offline classes over online ones; independent study over memorization
After class in grade 10, the twins immediately began their JEE Main preparation. However, in April 2021, their classes were moved to the online format because it was a Covid pandemic year.
The offline classes were what improved their performance even though the virtual classes cut down on their trip time.
“Online courses help you maintain your resolve and concentrate. It is easier to maintain discipline when you are physically present in a classroom with other students and a teacher.
This is difficult to do in online classes. Most significantly, offline classes allow for sufficient teacher interaction and supervision, which are rarely available in online classes, according to the twins.
Nipun and Nikunj are Shark Tank viewers who are supporters of Ashneer Grover. Since we were busy getting ready for the JEE Main, we have not yet watched the second season. Additionally, this season’s episode doesn’t have Ashneer Grover, our favourite shark, they said. The brothers hope to present, make a pitch, and eventually secure finance for their startup. “We would adore the opportunity to one day pitch our ideas to the sharks and receive investment from them. We intend to accomplish it soon,” Nipun remarked with enthusiasm.
Nipun and Nikunj like playing basketball in addition to watching Shark Tank. They were forced to stop playing video games due of JEE preparation, nevertheless.
Future JEE candidates are advised to “modify your routine in everyday studies.” Your timetable should be adaptable to your classes, energy level, remaining coursework, etc.