NEST 2023 Registration begins: Admission cards will be made available on June 12 ahead of the entrance exam, which is set for June 24, 2023.
NEST 2023: The National Entrance Screening Exam, or NEST 2023, is now accepting applications. Applicants can now fill out the application form by going to nestexam.in. The exam application deadline is May 17. The exact application link is provided below.
The admissions test is slated on June 24, 2023. On June 12, admit cards will be made available.
On July 10, the NEST 2023 outcome will be made public.
Admission to the Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences at the University of Mumbai and the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), both located in Bhubaneswar, are determined through entrance exams.
The procedure for disclosing NEST results has changed, according the exam-conducting authority.
This year, candidates’ scores in the top three of their four disciplines will be used to create the NEST merit list. This will be true for both NISER and CEBS institutes.
NEST 2022 had a different situation. The four subject results were taken into account for the NISER merit list preparation last year.
NEST 2022 had a different situation. The four subject results were taken into account for the NISER merit list preparation last year.